:: The Ultimate 2Pac Post ::
I'd just like to start off by saying how pleasantly surprised I was to see so many contributors to the site in the past week. But after my little hiatus you knew I had to come back with something crazy, so here is the next in the ULTIMATE series...2Pac!!
Whether you love him or hate him, you gotta respect dude cuz he was and still very much is one of the greatest and most influential MC's to ever bless the mic.

2pacalypse Now
Strictly 4 My Niggaz
Thug Life Vol. 1
Me Against The World
Pass: www.bootisconnex.blogspot.com
All Eyez On Me
Makaveli 1 - The Don Killuminati The 7 Day Theory
Makaveli 2 - When My Enemies Fall
Makaveli 3 - Hit Em Up
Makaveli 4 -Thug In Me
Makaveli 5 - Thug Passion
Makaveli 6 -Thug 4 Life
Makaveli 7 - Lost Souls
Makaveli 8 -All Eyez On Him
Makaveli 9 -Thugs Don't Die
Makaveli 10 - The Struggle Continues
Makaveli 11 - Ready For War
Makaveli 12 - Resurrection
Makaveli 13 - Retaliation
Makaveli 14 - 2 Sides 2 Every Story
Makaveli 15 - The Remix Album Part 1
Makaveli 16 - The Remix Album Part 2
Makaveli 17 - The Dedication
R U Still Down CD1
R U Still Down CD2
Greatest Hits
In His Own Words
Pass: scalp66
1 In 21
Pass: scalp66
Still I Rise
The Rose That Grew From Concrete
pass: www.bootisconnex.blogspot.com
Until The End Of Time CD1
Until The End Of Time CD2
Better Dayz
pass: www.bootisconnex.blogspot.com
Nu-Mixx Klazzics
Pass: scalp66
One Nation
Resurrection OST
Loyal To The Game
Rap Phenomenon
Pass: scalp66
The Rose Vol. 2 (I Only Follow My Voice Inside)
Pass: scalp66
pass: HyPotNiq
2Pac & Daz - Dont Go To Sleep
Live At The House Of Blues Sndtrk
pass: makaveli
wow, this guy writes more than Prince!
hahaha shit man, i didnt think that was possible to upload a 2pac discography... i found those makaveli albums a few weeks ago, thanks anyways, much appreciated... some good stuff
Seriously how can Pac be dead he has released like 5million albums after his death
You're crazy man!! lol
Thank you a lot
Thanks again for the makaveli 2-17, i also didn't got 1 In 21,Live At The House Of Blues, Dont Go To Sleep.
And what are Angel and One Nation? I never heard about this
This post is great. Does anyone know the password to the greatest hits?
this ish is the truth!
This post is da bomb! Much thanx!
Btw, does anyone know the pass for greatest hits album?
tnx for this tapes they are realy great will there also be The Game Tapes ! that would be great tnx 1110000000000000x
pass for greatest hits?????
check out
pass for greatest hits? please...
Pass ??? greatest hits?
greatest hits pass?
greatest hits pass?
Can you give the password for the Greatest Hits please??
I also need the password for greatest hits cd :( anyone???
he wrote 3 songs a day until he died thats why there are so many albums. even the one he didnt produce he still had songs to make up the albums plus alot of them are digital underground with others he didnt rap with them jsut just mixed his song he alreayd had in with their song
Yea whats the password for greatest hits i downloaded it and it says it needs a password hook me up
great job,
you should post another ultimate post.
I would love it.
i didnt know there was a site like this how do i lisitin to the tracks
Greatest hits pass please !!!
re-up loyal to the game
propz for all these albums man
have nobody the pass 4 greatest hits?
Damn homie, that's it!!!! thx a lot for all this stuff.....man....
i have just one problem, could help me to find where i can order the original makaveli album (1-17)???
passwor to Greatest hits please!!!
wow. thanx man.
i only had makaveli 1-3 and all others exept live, live at the house of blues, don't go to sleep and angel. But i have a lot of other albums/mixtapes. Like Duets, Fallen Angel, 2BIG, the passion of tupac, ready 2 die and some more. About 32 2pac albums together. Propz
Iv been looking for all the makavelis for years!!! I thought they were all myth...
once again major props, your page will get a thread on my blog site YepSure for sure..
zoop zoop!!
Hey man just wanna give you mad props...this is tight...lol. Don't know anyone that has this complete of a 2pac discography. Thanks very much and I am definitely gonna post your site up on my forum so you get some reps for the bootis connection. One love, peace!
password to Greatest Hits please :):)
greates hits pass ??????
Greatest Hits Pass PLEASE!!
anyone ever got the pass to the greatest hits? if so what is it
Great site, man. Anybody know why you get "Unfortunately, this link is not available" when you click on the Makaveli links? They worked fine a few days ago, but I had to wait to download more because of the whole download limit. I have 2-15 now, but not 16-17.
Same probleme with makavelis, link not available, could you reupload pleaze?
anybody have 2pac & the outlawz - still i rise volume 2
i got still i rise vol 2 somewhere, madd props on the makaveli cds. I didnt c the double cd the sessions on there or any og cds. the originals were so much better. Hit me up if interested my boy has a shit load of unreleased shit of him. E-mail me and I will send an unreleased song or something. My boy is putting out like 6 more Makaveli cds with unreleased shit that didnt make the thug life album, the original versions of dear mama and others that are different on me against the world.
i found that still i rise 2 2day hit me up maybe we can work somethign out
with tons of discographys (69 full 2pac albums 72 Lil Wayne albums etc)
man I´m from Brazil and you did a fuck job but the links no longer work if you can get fix I would be grateful my mail pedro_mtnv@hotmail.com for any thing thanks
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